Department of Transportation
Notifying the Public of Rights Under Title VI
ngeni aramas ren ar puung fannurun Title VI
Honolulu City me County ra fofori mokutukutun ar prokram me aninis
rese pwan nifinifin ika aramasen ia, met onuwen unuchen aramas, ika chon meni
fonu usun met me afatetiw non Title Ruwanu (Title IV)
me non ewe Chuunapen Annukun An Aramas Puung (Civil Rights Act). Ion e nukuu o
mefi pwe efiis ngeni feiengawen ika osukosuken nifinifin inamo ika ese mumuta
fannurun Title Ruwanu (Title IV) mi tongeni wanong ren Honolulu City me County
taropwen an kotur.
Ren porausenapen ika porausochun an Honolulu City me County we
civil rights program, ika ifa usun omw kopwe amasowa taropwen kotur, kokori (808)
768-8300; email nini ngeni;
ika chuuto ren ach we Offesin Administrason (Administrative office) e nomw
650 South
King Street, 3rd Floor
Hawaii 96913
Pwan tota won ar we ren
sopusopun porausen ei Annuk.