Effective: 1/1/2023 

Cash Fare                              $3.00 

Fare to be paid upon each boarding 

One (1) Child 5 years and under is FREE when riding with a fare-paying rider and not occupying a seat.

HOLO CARD       

HOLO Card Fee                     $2.00
Fee for initial and replacement cards  

Go to or a HOLO retail location, to make a purchase or load value online.

HOLO Card reload is also available at 808-768-4656. 

Single Fare                            $3.00
Includes 2.5 hours unlimited transfers 

Day Cap                                 $7.50
When this amount has been paid, no additional payments for the day

7-Day Pass                            $30.00

Month Cap                             $80.00
When this amount has been paid, no additional payments for the month

Month Pass                            $80.00

Valid 1st day of the month to last day of the month

Annual Pass                            $880.00
Available at the Transit Pass Office,, or call 808-768-4656
Starts on the month purchased and ends 12 months later
Passes purchased after the 20th of the month will be active starting on the 1st day of the next month.