U.S. MEDICARE (Red / White / Blue)

Effective: 7/1/2024

The U.S. Medicare HOLO Card is available at the Transit Pass Office . U.S. Medicare card must be presented.   U.S. Medicare Form required.

Stored Value may be loaded at a HOLO retail location , www.holocard.net , or call 808-768-4656.

Single Cash Fare                               $1.25
Fare is to be paid upon each boarding. Rider must present their U.S. Medicare card to pay the reduced fare. No Transfer.

HOLO CARD         Holo logo

HOLO Card Fee  

U.S. Medicare Card                $2.00
Fee for initial and replacement cards
Cards to be renewed every 4 years.

Single Fare                             $1.25
Includes 2.5 hours unlimited transfers  

Day Cap                                  $3.00
When this amount is paid, no additional payments for the day

Proof of Residency  

Cash Fare                               $1.25
Fare is to be paid upon each boarding. Rider must present their U.S. Medicare HOLO Card to pay the reduced far.

HOLO CARD         Holo logo

HOLO Card Fee  

U.S. Medicare Card                $2.00
Fee for initial and replacement cards
Cards to be renewed every 4 years.

Single Fare                             $1.25
Includes 2.5 hours unlimited transfers  

Day Cap                                  $3.00
When this amount is paid, no additional payments for the day

Month Cap                              $20.00
When this amount is paid, no additional payments for the month

Month Pass                             $20.00
Purchase at Transit Pass Office
, or call 808-768-4656

Annual Pass                           $45.00

Purchase at the Transit Pass Office , www.holocard.net or call 808-768-4656
Passes purchased after the 20th of the month will be active starting on the 1st day of the next month.