Effective Tuesday, March 18, 2025, the following bus stops will be closed due to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Kalia Rd Repair Project.



#886 (Kalia Rd + Paoa Pl)

#888 (Kalia Rd + Saratoga Rd)

#889 (Saratoga Rd + Kalakaua Ave)


#876 (Saratoga Rd + Kalakaua Ave)

#877 (Kalia Rd + Saratoga Rd)

#878 (Kalia Rd + Maluhia St)


Temporary bus stops will be located:


Ala Moana Blvd + Kalia Rd/Ena Rd

Kalakaua Ave + Opp Olohana St (Rt E only)



Ala Moana Blvd + Kalia Rd/Ena Rd


Route E will serve all bus stops along its detour route.

Eastbound: TheBus will continue on Ala Moana, right Kalakaua, and then resume the regular route.

Westbound: From Kapahulu, TheBus will travel left Kuhio, right Kalakaua, right Pau, left Ala Wai, left Niu, continue on Ala Moana, and then resume the regular route.



For comments/questions regarding the project:

contact the Army at 808-787-1528 or usarmy.hawaii.comrel@army.mil


For comments/questions: contact the DTS at 808-768-8368 or thebusstop@honolulu.gov

For schedule and route information: www.thebus.org or call 808-848-5555 (press 2).


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